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Live, Love, & Learn

I am not a financial expert.

The three Ls for the February Financial Health series are: live, love, and learn!

  • LIVE: the life you want. The better you are at planning your expenses month by month the more control you will have of your life. That control eventually becomes the freedom to do things that are fun. I tell my children “get the hard stuff done first and then you can relax”. Same concept can be applied towards personal finance.
    FOMO (fear of missing out) affects is the new keeping up with Joneses for the Millennials, and Gen Zers.
  • LOVE: yourself. Most Americans spend 40- 60 hours a week working and do not have enough in savings or retirement account. In addition, they overwhelmed with credit card and student loan debt. Love your time and money enough to know where you are wasting money and say no more!  I print out my statements and highlight the expenses that are wants or imposed buys and I do better.

    Typically, financial experts recommend that you have an emergency fund of 6 months’ worth of income in a savings account in addition to maximizing your 401K/ROTH savings accounts.
  • LEARN: No one is perfect! The people that succeed are those that learn from their mistakes. Financial mistakes sometimes take years to recover from but with expert advice, discipline, and time you should be able to recover. Never give up and do not let go of the "hunger" to be financially healthy.

I am not a financial expert but I hope you are able to learn and grow from my blogs. The links are there to help you have different voices and resources for becoming financially healthy. 

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